List of all commands
Available Commands:
organization Lists organization
organization:create Creates an organization and links it to an AWS account
organization:switch Switches the current organization
project Lists projects
project:create Creates a project
project:destroy Deletes a project
project:info Shows information about a project
user Lists authorized users for a stage
user:invite Invites a new User for a stage
user:remove Removes a User from a stage
stage Lists stages
stage:create Creates a stage
stage:destroy Deletes a stage
stage:dump Returns the current stage configuration yml
stage:diff Shows the diff between local and remote configuration
stage:apply Applies the given stage definition or app images
user Lists authorized users for a stage
user:invite Invites a new User for a stage
user:remove Removes a User from a stage
secret List secrets
secret:create Creates a new secret
secret:destroy Deletes a new secret
domain Lists domains for an app
image Lists images for an app
image:push Build, tags and pushes an image to SetOps
log Shows logs for an app
task Lists all current tasks for an app
task:run Runs a task for an app
task:attach Starts an interactive session with a task
task:stop Stops a specific task running on an app
backup Lists manual backups for a service
backup:create Creates a manual backup for a service
backup:restore Restores a manual backup for a service
backup:destroy Deletes a manual backup for a service
backup:download Downloads a manual backup for a service
backup:upload Uploads a manual backup for a service
User Sessions
login Creates a new session
login:info Shows information about the current session
logout Deletes the session
completion Generates a shell completion script
version Shows the server and CLI versions
help Help about any command
Scope Flags:
--app string App
--domain string Domain
-p, --project string Project
--service string Service
-s, --stage string Stage
Scope flags are used to specify the target of a command, e.g. to
create a new app "web" on stage "production" of project "website" run
--project website --stage production app:create web
--debug enable debug logging
-h, --help help for setops
-o, --output string Output format (plain/rich) (default "rich")
--url string API URL (default "")
Use "setops [command] --help" for more information about a specific command.