Schedule #

You can schedule your app to run commands periodically:

          - Hello World
          - echo
        schedule: "0 3 * * ? *"
          cpu: 128
          memory: 128
          max_attempts: 60
          max_time_in_seconds: 60

command #

The command to start the container with. Every parameter is a separate list item.

entrypoint #

The entrypoint to start the container with. Every parameter is a separate list item.

schedule #

Specifies when the command runs. Must be set according to the cron expression schedule.

resources (optional) #

Configures the resources available to the container. It defaults to the apps resources, but you might want to set lower or higher values according to your scheduled workload.

retry (optional) #

The retry configuration in case the container terminates with an exit code not equal to 0. You can set max_attempts and max_time_in_seconds.

Create a service for your new App.